Dumbest things you've seen a newbie diver do

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I like to take some warm water dives (no wetsuit) just to remember how nice it feels each year. My instant buddy was a guy my age in St Lucia last Oct. He liked to be in the front of the boat out of the sun since he had fair skin but liked to get in the water quickly. We both had geared up, he got to the port side and entered. All were using that side to enter. There were several ahead of me so I went to the starboard side and just as I was starting my stride a big wave came in and rocked the boat. My fin tip caught folded under I started to fall and I knew I was going into the ladder. All I could think at the time was cost of vac $$$ scuba gear $$$ falling into ladder ruining dive trip but giving someone a funny story to post {priceless} so I did an improv and pushed hard and did a front flip into the water. Gave the ok, by then the DM's and everyone left on the boat were wondering where I got certified. I swam over to my buddy and casually said "what do you think" he said at least an '8 or 9', we got along well the entire week.
I was told this by someone on the same trip. I did not see it I was in the water already but here is how it went...

On a liveaboard at a sunny place. I dress in quicky... practice i guess? I was always first or close to first in the water every dive on the trip. About dive #15 ish There was a guy that
(I was told) looked like he was racing to beat me into the water. Well this fella gets down to the dive platform mask on fins on camera in hand and he was about to jump in the DM says to him are you missing something? He had not even put on weights BC or tank.:D ! He slowed down for the rest of the dives after that!
See you topside! John
I win:

a real masterpiece, on the same jump, BC not inflated, too mutch lead AND, ladies 'n gentleman: air closed!!

luckily good DM in water that keep her instantly ( me :blinking: )
(also very bad DM on the boat, Jesus!)
once I had wrestled the damn thing on, I couldn't get it off.

Oh, that reminded me of a goodie . . .
But, on numerous dive boats, while standing or seated at a distance from the entry point, I have seen divers of all levels "not turn on their air and the DM not check it", grab the snorkle versus the reg for giant stride, not hold their mask in place while wearing a hood, not secure the fin strap, not buckle the BC, not secure the weight pouch, hook their console over the boat rail, not switch their tank and go back in then realize oh,oh, get on the wrong boat after a dive, get lost in low viz and join another dive group. Get the picture, stuff happens. :wink:
Around 20 years ago, when I had only a handful of dives under my weight belt, I was in the Florida Keys with my sister..we were down around 80 feet or so, and in the sand I found a heavy rectangular object with some numbers on it. I was sure I found an artificact from an old ship wreck or something, and I decided to bring it up. I had no lift bag, so I inflated my BD completely...even fully inflated I had to fin upwards a bit due to the weight of the object.

We surfaced away from the boat and had a bit of a surface swim. I over exerted myself, and ended up with a splitting headache and end up heaving over the side of the boat.

I completely forgot about the object until we were on the way back to the dock..and I asked the crew member what he thought. "Oh it was the bottom of an old lobster trap or something" he replied.

If I had let go of that object at depth I would have rocketed to the surface like a missile.

A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

Nothing to see here. Move along. You know who you are.
In Coz, with obvious current, newbie did backward roll right on top of the previous existed diver without looking.
Back in the late 80's, Was diving off of Channel Islands in So Cal (can't remember which one) My buddy and I were under the boat hanging out after the dive. Clear water around 25 ft. nice sunny day. Here comes this ray slowly swimming towards us and pauses right in front of us 5 ft. off the bottom. No barb, looks un-threatening. We reach out and start petting it ( real discovery channel moment). ray is there seemingly enjoying the moment as well.

We get back on the boat and the DM and other divers said they watched us from the surface. Seems we were petting a Torpedo (electric) Ray that had zapped some photographer earlier when it was startled by his flash. Maybe it was all zapped out and was in a daze it could not zap me and my buddy. Of course I like to think it had simply enjoyed the moment as well.

Never trust the wildlife if you can't ID it properly.

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