Hello all, I recently acquired a really old tls350se drysuit, I replaced all the seals and zipper myself and it has been diving dry the past 4 dives which I am really happy about, It was made in 2002, Based off of the condition of it I assume it had very minimal use then was stored in a garage until I got it, anyhow it has a P-valve, with a bolt in, Originally I assumed the bolt was just to seal off the valve while not in use, and that I would need to buy a new part to get the valve functioning again, but after taking off the bolt I realized the bolt is part of the valve because it has a hole in the middle and through the area near the top, so my question is, is this missing just a cap, or is there more to it, if anyone knows what kind this is so I can read up info on it and servicing it I would appreciate that greatly. Also just a bit of info, I bought the suit for 300, seals for 40$, glue for 40, zipper for 80$(Chinese zipper) and another 60 or so on various items, I did not realize the age of the suit when I bought it, but doing leak tests I figured it would be worth repairing, and so far it seems like it has paid off fingers crossed. At the moment I do not really need a functioning p valve, I haven't had any issues not having one so far, but if the suit continues to exceed my expectations, then I will fix it up and start adding more bells and whistles.