I've resisted in flaming DUI publicly, but I'm now on my second CF 200 since this past April and it's not so pleasant. I guess what I also want to find out is if others are having the same problems as myself.
Here is my story. I bought a CF200 off the rack because it fit me beautifully. I dove it about 20 dives and it started leaking around the bottom of the zipper. Ultimately I tore a wrist gasket so I brought it back to my LDS to get fixed. I was unimpressed with the fact that after about 60 dives that all the gaskets were showing real wear. My LDS fixed the problem and pressured tested it to find the leak. Well, since it was a new suit (only 3-4 months old) they sent it back to DUI to be fixed. It came back after 5 weeks and leaked just as badly as before. Needless to say I and the owner of the LDS were a bit perturbed. I was leaving soon on a trip that I needed the suit for and my LDS assured me after talking with DUI that they were sending me a brand new replacement. Great thought I. My problems are solved. The suit would arrive three days before departure and my problems would go away. I called my LDS on the day of expect arrival and asked if my suit was there. No was the response. They called DUI and was told that the suit wouldn't arrive until Monday. I was leaving on Sunday early AM. Upshot of this was that my LDS made DUI Fedex another suit for a Saturday delivery. Me - I will continue to buy locally thanks to my LDS. They went to bat for me at every turn.
The new suit has worked fine until recently. I've probably put 60 or so dives on it and now it's leaking on the chest inflator. BTW the old suit had to have a new dump valve put on it as well. The new one has not experienced this problem. So here I am. I've now had two DUI CF200 suits that are supposed to be the most durable, the best, the most amazing and last drysuit you'll ever have to own and they both have leaked like the Titanic. WTF comes to mind. I have yet to bring it in to my LDS. That will likely happen tomorrow. I'm hoping that it just needs a new inflator and I'm sure that my LDS will take care of me.
I like the suit for the most part. The fit and comfort is excellent. It does have one issue besides the leaking. What I don't like about the suit is the placement of the dump valve. I find it is completely ineffective doing a horizontal ascent. While my buddies roll to their right and raise their arm, I have to turn on my back drop my feet and then pump my fist like Tiger Woods. Yesterday on all three of my dives I decided to do all my mid water stops supine - face up. Try as I may my feet generally are just a bit lower than my head in this manner. What I noticed though was that my dump valve worked beautifully the whole time. If I were to hold my stop in a vertical position then my dump valve would work well too. Much of my diving though is from the shore. I like to be inches off the bottom at my 10' stop looking at the critters. In other words I can't always be supine. The reason I bring all of this up is to say that I believe that DUI has made an error in the placement of the dump valve. On this suit they place it on the front of the bicep. In other words pointing towards the bottom when you are hovering. Were it placed centered or slightly on the back of the bicep I wouldn't have to roll on my back to dump the suit.
So my questions for those of you who own or have owned this suit:
Does yours leak?
Do you have issues with your dump valve? If so what technique (s) do you use to overcome it?
If you were to buy another suit what brand and model would you buy?
At this point I'm having a hard time recommending DUI to any of my friends or anyone else - one of whom is looking to buy the same suit that I have. Please tell me that you all have had great experiences with DUI and that my two suits are anomalies.