Dude tries to rob bank and get away using scuba

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Reaction score
NE Florida
# of dives
200 - 499
this guy must be in some shape. he was "running" through
the woods with scuba equipment on.

i can barely hobble ten feet to the water. AND, dude
was going to jump in without fins. i don't know about him,
but i can't go nowhere without fins (except down):


Police Foil Bank Robber's Scuba Getaway

OLYMPIA, Wash. - A bank robber wearing a wetsuit under his clothes tried to make a scuba-diving getaway but was tackled by police before he reached the water, authorities say.

Police subdued the man Thursday on the shore of Budd Inlet after a car chase, a crash and a sweaty quarter-mile dash through the woods, during which he tried to sprint into the water while lugging his diving gear and a backpack filled with the stolen cash, Sgt. Ray Holmes said.

Charles E. Coma, 35, was jailed on suspicion of robbery.

Police said Coma held up a bank Thursday with an assault rifle and fled with an undisclosed amount of money, leading police on a two-mile car chase. After crashing into a tree, he got out and ran, wearing a weight belt with an air tank and regulator slung over his shoulder, police said.

Coma managed to get close enough to toss the backpack into the water before officers tackled him on the shore and used a stun gun to halt him, Holmes said. The money was recovered.

Police found a pair of fins inside the car.

He had gone into the bank with a wetsuit under an overcoat or a sweatsuit, police said.
I think they took him away in the PADI-wagon :arrow:

this guy must be in some shape. he was "running" through
the woods with scuba equipment on.

i can barely hobble ten feet to the water. AND, dude
was going to jump in without fins. i don't know about him,
but i can't go nowhere without fins (except down):


Police Foil Bank Robber's Scuba Getaway

OLYMPIA, Wash. - A bank robber wearing a wetsuit under his clothes tried to make a scuba-diving getaway but was tackled by police before he reached the water, authorities say.

Police subdued the man Thursday on the shore of Budd Inlet after a car chase, a crash and a sweaty quarter-mile dash through the woods, during which he tried to sprint into the water while lugging his diving gear and a backpack filled with the stolen cash, Sgt. Ray Holmes said.

Charles E. Coma, 35, was jailed on suspicion of robbery.

Police said Coma held up a bank Thursday with an assault rifle and fled with an undisclosed amount of money, leading police on a two-mile car chase. After crashing into a tree, he got out and ran, wearing a weight belt with an air tank and regulator slung over his shoulder, police said.

Coma managed to get close enough to toss the backpack into the water before officers tackled him on the shore and used a stun gun to halt him, Holmes said. The money was recovered.

Police found a pair of fins inside the car.

He had gone into the bank with a wetsuit under an overcoat or a sweatsuit, police said.
I wish he had made it into the water... would've loved to read the follow-up. I expect this dude wasn't wearing a rebreather, so people could follow his bubble trail, even from shore. If he went deep to confound that, his bottom time would crap out.

If I was doing this, I'd place my rig on a buoy a short swim from shore. Don't even have to put the gear on, just jam the second stage in my mouth and descend.

2. Stage cylinders and a DPV at the bottom of the buoy line.
3. Do the bank robbery when the water is choppy.
4. Leave all scuba gear and suits under a rock at 40 feet and do an ESA with the cash.
5. Return to a well-used and densely populated campground in the area.
:rofl: That was a real groaner, but good. I don't think he would have got to far if he wore his fins while trying to run so he left them in the car. Wonder if he was DIR?
:rofl: That was a real groaner, but good. I don't think he would have got to far if he wore his fins while trying to run so he left them in the car.

Wonder if he was DIR?
Yeah, sorry. I specialize in groaners as my daughters would attest.

It'd be funny to compose a list of DIR violations. Since we don't have a complete picture, improvise. I'll start.

1. No buddy.

Yeah, sorry. I specialize in groaners as my daughters would attest.

It'd be funny to compose a list of DIR violations. Since we don't have a complete picture, improvise. I'll start.

1. No buddy.

2. No water
3. no brains...

4. Bag o' cash violates rule of minimalism - take only what is needed. When in doubt, leave it at home, or in this case, the bank.

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