Jessica:I am in the market to purchase a DSLR. Can anyone recommend a certain one, and the best place to purchase it. I would of course, need a underwater housing and accessories to go with it.
And, the big question is, how much will everything cost?
First off, question is too broad without knowing what you do or want to shoot.
Second, as to money, you're going the wrong way, Jessica. First question is what is your budget?
Absolute cheapest way to go right now?
Canon 300D $1000
Ikelite housing + dome = $1400 (Actually, Ocean Brite just noticed a boxy yellow housing for $1000)
That's $2400 absolute bargain basement.
Add a macro lens ($300) and port ($200)
Add a WA lens $400
Add a strobe and arms ($4-600)
As you see, it's a lot of dough. If your budget is higer, you can start looking at an S2 or D100.......