Boogie711:Not picking on you Jonnythan - you know better, anyway. It was just that your comment, while valid, caused me to sit and pontificate... I get a kick out of folks who spend thousands of dollars on a fully customized drysuit, but then get stock underwear to save a few bucks... thus defeating the purpose of custom in the first place.
You are correct, only if you also assume that the word "custom" is meant to only apply to the temperature....I think the word applys to much more ("fit" of the suit, for example)
I have a signature series DUI TLS350 but am perfectly fine and toasty in a $200+ softwear fleece undersuit, built to my measurements...One of my friends has gone through two other suits on his way to getting the TLS350...He has the $600 thinsulate undersuit...but spent $3000 getting there...Who is to say who did better or worse, as long as both of us dive comfortably?
Should someone really spend more on the undersuit merely because they spent more on the DS? If they don't have to spend the cash, why should they? Perhaps it is *because* I spent a bit more on the custom suit that I don't need to spend more on the other items...