Drysuit underwear

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Scuba Instructor
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OK, now that I got my suit I need to figure out how to go with underwear. I though it would be simple but is turning out to be more complicated than I expected with all the choices.

My suit is Bare XCD2, 2mm compressed neoprene. My water temp is fairly warm, coldest should be about 50-60 F.

I know the DUI thinsulate stuff is the best but it's too expensive. I need to get something as cheap as possible. Could I get away with just sweats?

Also need some socks of some sort. I need them thick to take up some extra room in the boots. I considered neoprene soft-sole booties. Will that work well?

Search the thread my new undies and the email Twila at:
twilitime@msn.com.... they have a website now but I can't remember the URL.

They can make you a set cheap (IMO) in either 100 200 or 300 gram Polarfleece.... you probably want 100 or 200 at the most.
Originally posted by Uncle Pug
Search the thread my new undies and the email Twila at:
twilitime@msn.com.... they have a website now but I can't remember the URL.

They can make you a set cheap (IMO) in either 100 200 or 300 gram Polarfleece.... you probably want 100 or 200 at the most.

I just mailed her. Thanks much.


With your new undies, are you needing to layer with anything else to enjoy your dives? Or is what you've got enough?

(In otherwords, just a t-shirt/shorts or dive skin underneath, or are ya going commando on us?)
UP or Wreckwritter

If you guys come up with the URL let me know. I may be looking for some new underwear too.

BTW, I'm trying to keep from thinking about UP going commando. Not a mental picture I want :eek:

Also, Leisure Pro has Bare polar exteme undersuits for around $170. I have that and a DUI 400g thinsulate. I use Polypro for layering with the Bare undersuit. Military or expedition weight Polypro is really nice. Soaks up a lot of sweat.... Cabella's sells a nice PolyPro and I can't remember the store I got mine from but it's posted in the My new Undies topic on this sight. The stuff I bought was a little heavyer then the Cabella's. Wally World used to carry a line that was like the Cabbella's. Don't know if they still do now. It was in the Hunting section.

And I only go commando in my wetsuit. In the drysuit it's t'shirt and shorts...... Unless I'm helping Supermodels. Then it's Club clothes.
make certain whatever you select is not so "puffy" (i.e. too
loose) that it can bunch up and block the OP valve.

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