Not so visible in the video we posted above, but we both have trilaminate suits and good undergarments, she uses an Ursuit Softdura with a Kwark Navy undersuit, and he has a Waterproof D1 with a Santi Kango undersuit. We both use a couple of good quality merino wool base layers, merino wool socks + thick wool socks, merino wool liner gloves and wool gloves underneath our Nordic Blue drygloves. Might seem a bit excessive for many, but this keeps us quite warm and toasty in the less than favourable conditions we dive in.On top of all this wisdom you have a choice of neo or trilam suit, latex or neo seals and potentially rock boots and dry gloves. Personally I go with a trilam suit so I can adjust my undergarments to the temperature or duration. In this vein I also go with latex wrist seals for summer and kubi dry gloves for winter. I think a neo neck seal is more comfy and durable. Because I often have an equipment carry over rocky terrain I opt for rock boots.
We add air to our suits only to stay warm and relieve squeeze. We're not terribly advanced yet, but we feel pretty comfortable diving dry now since we've been practicing almost every weekend since we got our drysuit cert. Both our drysuits were bought used, and while they work very nicely, we can't wait until we get our own made to fit!