Duh - my bad. Assumed you were talking about EAN for backgas.O-ring once bubbled...
Using the airgon bottle is necessary when the backgas contains helium since helium will freeze your arse if used for suit inflation.
There was some discussion on DIS-UK a while ago about making the wing LP inflator hose long enough to reach the drysuit valve, so that if you did lose the argon bottle for some reason, you could switch the hoses, and continue the dive using manual inflation of the wing. The corrugated hose would be the usual short length, you would just have a slightly longer loop of LP hose beheind your head. Don't know how practical that would be, but it could save your dive - guess you would have to weigh up the cons of the longer LP hose and whether or not any "loop" from the longer hose presented an entanglement hazard if you're doing overhead.