I have spent significant money on masks in the last couple years and borrowed or tested many others. TUSA Freedom HD, Atomic Venom, TUSA Paragon, and the ScubaPro Spectra are the ones that worked best for me. Not all of them are perfectly dry all the time. It seems like high end masks, on me at least, can be picky about how loose or tight they are adjusted. Some like to be just barely snug {Venom} while others like to be slightly tightened a little {Paragon}. If I try to reverse this they will both leak. I have also found that, again on me, the addition of a snorkel will easily cause them to leak. I carry a ScubaPro "folding" snorkel in my BCD pocket and use it when needed.
Once I figured out how each mask wanted to be adjusted to me none of them leak. I honestly have had more trouble getting them to stop fogging up than leaking. With the exception of the TUSA Paragon, which must come from the factory already clean and it has never fogged, all of the others had to be scrubbed on 6 or 7 times with some type of toothpaste like mask cleaner. Even then, I think because they are made with such low volume to easily clear, the glass sits very close to your warm face and in colder {different} temperature water they will still try to fog.