It used to be that the zipper accounted for more than half the price of a drysuit - they were literally space suit zippers. Prices of zippers have gone down a bit since then, I see the critters selling for $145 for a few different lengths....zipper replacement (cost was $420)...
The #1 thing to remember about zippers is that they need to be kept CLEAN.
We'd rinse the zipper off after the dive before even getting out of the suit. That was in the Mississippi River though.
I'm very fond of beeswax; it got applied daily only to the outside if the teeth. A couple of cycles on the zip knocks off the excess, and every few days I'd do a cleaning with a soft toothbrush.
Some of the best zipper lube (overall) is the McNett Zip Care, a liquid with a brush applicator.
Their stick "Zip Tech" is good for the outside of the teeth.
As mentioned, loose threads will occur after a while but the best way to deal with them is to singe them off with a lighter. It slows down further unraveling a bit.