Looks like you have plenty of time to get a drysuit and learn to dive with it before fundies! Claudette is right, 40 or so dives should be enough to get it down. You may want to think about taking a drysuit specialty course, though I know plenty (including me) that didnt (I did read a book, "borrowed" the PADI video and stayed at a Holiday Inn Express once, as well as get expert advice and tutoring from felow boarders). I now have 8 dives on mine and still working at it (drama is easy, shallow is HARD), and I make every dive with it a training dive (been leaving the camera at home). Taking a dry break though as I've been nursing my seals (bought the suit used) and have been fortunate not to fail one, so it's packed and ready to ship to Gamble for seal replacement. It's not cold, it's temperate....it's not cold, it's temperate...it's not cold, it's temperate...