Hey Kev,
Here is a bit from CCV, true story of sleeping with Fruit Bats. "
I guess you could say the bat caught me! I forget which night it was, Tues. maybe. When the winds were blowing so hard? Anyway this little guy landed on me in the bed. Thinking it was one of those big tree roaches I brushed him off but as I did I realized it wasn't a bug! So I got up and turned on the light to find this baby bat on the bed. Both his little arms were broken. I know I didn't swat him that hard so I'm thinking since they roost under the eave of our bungalow, maybe the wind slammed him into the wall and he crawled through a crack to inside.
In the process of trying to look at him and not hurt him, the little bugger bit me! Twice! But don't get freaky....it's a fruit bat and I checked with Ponchos vet and there hasn't been a case of rabies on the island in years.
I took him down to the dock to see if one of the guys would quickly put him out of his misery and they told me to just put him in a coconut tree where the fronds connect to the trunk. They said it was a good chance he would survive. I'm not sure about that but he deserved at least a chance, I guess. When I checked on him that day and the next he was still there and seemed to be fine, at least he was very active. Hope he didn't drown before the week was up!"
Sure makes me look forward to our next trip! Who will your batty roommate be ?