Drift Diving - Coz?

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WA State, USA
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50 - 99
When we were in Cabo, a month or so ago, someone we met who said they dive Coz most of the time, said that it is all drift diving. Being inexperienced, I thought I should ask some questions:

  1. Is it true?
  2. Will we need prior drift experience?
  3. How does it work for a boat dive?
  4. Is it more fun?

    Thanks in advance!
I did my very first open water dives in Cozumel just like many others on this board I'm sure.

1. Yes, Coz is drift Diving.

2. I would say that hands on experience works for most everyone for drift diving in Coz. Experience is always helpful though.

3. The boat usually follows the divers bubbles and then the first person who reaches the designated PSI (usually around 700 PSI) will go to the Dive Master and signal this to him. He will send up his Safety Sausage and you will do your safety stop near the line. When you surface, the boat will pick you up. Each diver will go to the bouy line, do their safety stop and surface and wait for pick up.

4. Fun is a matter of preference in diving. Some prefer the easy drift along that saves air consumption as apposed to finning around and using up more air. I like to think I am flying under water. Some would say that it is easier to take photo's when the current isn't moving you along. Really, I think it's great fun. All the diving is fun so far. Matter of preference.

I am sure there are lots of other good advice on the board for drift diving too.

You will have fun diving in Cozumel, that's for sure, guaranteed!

I am so excited about this trip! C'mon October!! Leisure diver by day :scuba: - Margarita & Mexican food sampler by night :D
Technically, the predominant type of diving practiced in Cozumel is "live boating," although most people do incorrectly refer to it as "drift diving."

Live boating is when you drift with the current, you are not attached to the boat and you have no surface float. Take a whistle and a safety sausage - you could need them. I'd recommend shooting the sausage from your safety stop to lessen the chances of being hit by a boat when you surface.

There are also some inshore sites where you are not at the mercy of the currents.
Walter, So you are saying that REAL DRIFT DIVING would be attached to a boat or a float.

You are surfacing at the Dive Master's safety sausage. I guess I was not clear? Walter is correct that it wouldn't hurt to have your own Sausage and Whistle.

Cozumel is referred to as the drift diving capital of the world. I guess LIVE BOATING Capital of the world wouldn't be so catchy.
But, what I described is what I think you are looking for (the diving in Cozumel)

Don't forget the Guacamole SquarePants!
Indeed it is drift diving. And, you'll enjoy it once you get used to it. I did my open water cert. there. Found myself flailing around with my arms trying to be stronger than mother nature. Fold your hands and go with the flow.
A safety sausage is not a bad idea at all. If you're ready to come up and others have air left, you will be allowed to accend w/ your buddy & w/o the DM. There's a lot of boats there and one can't be too careful.
Note the name of your dive boat. We popped up right next to a boat but it wasn't ours. Saved us some embarressment that we didn't try to board.
"So you are saying that REAL DRIFT DIVING would be attached to a boat or a float."

When you are drift diving, you are holding a line attached to the boat while the boat drifts with the current. This is very rare, but was more common 40 years ago.

Float diving is when a member of the group has a float and the boat follows that float. This is the preferred method (from a safety standpoint) of drifting with the current. It is used extensively in SE Florida.

Live boating is drifting with the current and praying the boat will be somewhere nearby when you surface. I don't approve of the practice, but the introduction of safety sausages has made it safer than in years past.
Thanks for the definitions. Live boating, by your statements, is diving in Cozumel. No lines from the boat down or up from the divers. I've always heard it as drift diving.
My point is, be prepared to do your accent w/o the supervision of the DM. That happens when the DM is comfortable with your ability.
Can someone please tell me how the currents are in Aug. or
do the vary much from month to month?
scubajen once bubbled...
Can someone please tell me how the currents are in Aug. or
do the vary much from month to month?

We were there last August and it was much the same as the times we have been there in Jan-March. Hope that helps.

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