I question why some have said "stay close to the wall" if caught in a down current. Yes, the current flowing down will be lessened right against the wall by the structure but you're not out of it... just hanging tight in the middle of it does no good and maybe one can crawl their way back up with great exertion and BC inflation to what... the flow coming over the wall in a wash of sand and debris? Luckily, I've been diving Coz for 14 or 15 years and have never been caught in one but most everything I've read is not to fight it and not to grab onto the wall and hang tight sitting there burning up air. I've read one should start inflating their BC and fully inflate if necessary as you fin away from the wall to get out of the current and be prepared to drop weight if you find yourself carried DEEP. Once out if it be ready to deflate so you don't ascend like a cork. Dave said he had a current drag him to almost 200 feet? I'd have dumped weight well before that.
On another note, I personally could care less about wall dives these days so if the group must dive Santa Rosa I'll dive a good way back from the wall instead of along it or out over it. What's to see there anyway? Seen one wall you've seen them all in my opinion. A dedicated Santa Rosa wall dive is a waste of a dive in my opinion (and I'm not the only one who says so) but there are those who just have to say they've been there and done that dive.