Dove travis tonight

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Austin, Texas
Dove travis tonight hand (nod to TexasMike)

Went to mansfield dam. People said that's the worst visibility they've seen in a long time.
are you diving with a dive club? I am looking to get in 2 dives on one weekday each week. I just got a 7mm suit so I can go below the 45 ft thermocline :)
If you dive near the dam itself I've heard Tony and Beast state that they have encountered 10-15 foot vis in most places. Plus some interesting things to see...
I dove Mansfield Park in the dive area Sunday and vis below 40 feet was about 15 feet. I could see the entire cessna fuselage and a good chunk of the deeper sailboat. Above 40 foot it was 5 or less due to all the students and divers that were there.

I'll be out at Barstows tomorrow evening and night with a couple of divemaster candidates and hope to dive Mansfield park on Saturday sometime, but may dive off the point to the grottos or across the cove off the adjascent point.

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