Hey guys, I really get your concern for me and I want to thank you all.
Here's what I was doing before the dive:
I saw the wave model and it was mild. I knew that the wind was blowing from the east (the mountains) so that would flatten things out a bit as well. I drove there and stared at the ocean for about 20 minutes before making the decision to go. At this point I had made up my mind that I would go to the recreational depth limit of 132. A touch and go dive to experience that depth for just a few moments. I had read about ways to combat narcosis and knew that studies show that keeping my wits about me was going to be a top priority and that it was possible to still function well enough while narced. I was hellbent on checking gauges frequently because I knew people sometimes have trouble keeping track of time down there.
I saw that the shop had accidentally overfilled to 3442 psi so I knew I had a lot more gas than what I was used to. Not knowing my real tank size wasn't a problem - I had 10 dives prior to this on these same tanks sp I knew how long they lasted for me - 4 of them at Monastery. I knew I would be able to last at least an hour and most likely more. I made it a point to surface with a lot of air so I could deal with at least two safety stops and a crawling surf exit in case the waves picked up and I got laundry machined.
I didn't trust the depth gauge at first but as I said in my post, looking up at the kelp ceiling I visually estimated that the gauge was actually right. It looked like 25ft. It definitely did not look like the 45ft I thought I was at.
At 132ft I took a moment to just soak in the feeling of being there while making sure I was always present to my situation (checking my gauges, telling myself to stay calm, making slow, careful, calculated movements, looking ahead to see which boulder I would hop up to, etc). Did safety stops, and the rest of the dive was uneventful.
I surfaced right where I wanted to, and timed the waves so that one of them plopped me gently on the beach and I crawled the rest of the way.
I'm not risk averse, but I do like to have the bases covered according to my comfort level (which is wider than most), which is why I created that "What to do in the event that (something bad happens)" thread. I do a LOT of solo things, not just diving, and want to learn to be self sufficient to handle issues that may come up.
I'm looking into pony bottles. Thinking about a 40 so it can eventually be used as a deco bottle. Also very interested in rebreathers. And hang gliding. And base jumping