Essentials with Don a waste of good money

??? Not at all!!!
Here's why:
I heard about DIR diving here on Scubaboard. The more I investigated, the more I liked what I heard, so contacted our local GUE instructor when I only had a few drysuit dives and still dove my BC and Octo. I had about 100+ dives in the tropics but obviously, wasn't ready for a cold water fundies class. The GUE instructor told me to contact him when I was ready.
I walked away from that email feeling quite lost and a little rejected. Ive met other local divers that have had the same experience. So I came to this forum for advice (thanks for being here) and met Lynne & then Don who offered to mentor me.
Don didn't say come back when you are ready -- he helped me get ready. He took me diving, orientated me to our local dive environment & hazards, helped me with the drysuit, showed me drills, met me at our LDS, swapped out my hoses, answered every one of my 1,000 questions, loaned me gear, coached me through gear selection, encouraged me to limit my depth, schooled me in safer diving, introduced me into our local GUE/UTD community and continues to provide support. He's litterally provided guidance for the last 150+ dives and continues to offer challenges, coaching, advice and opportunities like the intro to doubles in 25 ft of water last weekend

Taking Essentials with him was a natural continuation of the mentorship and a fun way to learn basic skills. He continues to provide post-Essentials guidance and coaching. A waste of money? Ha! I would not hesitate to pay twice the money to do it again and highly recommend him to other just launching on this path. I can't thank you enough Don!
There are lots of other divers here in our cold water, low vis, kelp forest dive environment that are interested in the DIR path, but the change can be intimidating. If you aren't lucky enough to have a great mentor, it's hard to know where to start.
Don makes the transition fun and accessible. He is literally hand-walking us through the conversion and providing a very gentle entry into the path through Essentials. Because of Don, our community is growing. Some of us will stop at Essentials level, some will continue on the UTD path and others will head to GUE already fully kitted out with a nice foundation of pre-Fundies skills. Our local UTD/GUE communities mix and many cross over in their training.
A little while back I finally met our local GUE instructor, he smiled at my gear which was Dons handiwork. He remembered my inquiry and could see I was finally ready--so he invited me into his class. One of my classmates is also Don's Essentials student. Don's happy for us and very supportive.
Regardless, if we head towards tech or not, these skills and gear are quite useful in our local dive environment. So IMHO Don's Essentials class is very positive for our community. Thanks again Don.