a bad situation to be in is when you are positively buoyant with bingo air, in an air sharing situation, and have some deco obligation. how are you going to stay down?
I have actually been struggling with this weighting issue for about 9 months now. with steel doubles, al backplate and 7mm suit (summer wear) and the same doubles, steel backplate, drysuit (winter wear). I have come up with a design for a modular set of lead weights that sit behind my plate and let me adjust weight in 5 lb increments to allow for a variety of situations, trim requirements, and which are firmly mounted and easy to adjust. I have the plaster of paris male moulds hanging in the garage right now, will be making my female moulds this week and hope to cast my prototypes as soon as this weekend.
A simple, inexpensive, and easily adjustable means to add ballast to a doubles rig is to place soft weight pouches between the wing and the backplate.
The upper and lower band bolts will prevent the pouches from falling out the top or bottom, the wing keeps the weights from passing through between the tanks and the back plate will clamp them in place.
Depending on the tanks used (7.00", 7.25" or 8.00" dia) and the exact back plate used, it is possible to fit 4-8 lbs in this space.
No hot lead required.