Dork Divers Manifesto

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I'd be happy to lead a Discover Dork Diving class if permitted... Does being a Polish Dork Diver entitle me to any additional benefits?
I have a
blue single lens light silicone high volume mask
yellow snorkle
jacket bc
titanium reg
console computerh
1 red tank+1 pink:D
know my sac rate(surface alcohol consumtion)

Can i be the first DDD-Dutch Dork Diver :huh:

BTW i played the bamboo flute in 5th grade

Can I join please, pretty please :rofl3:

And i will spread the word:D

300bar diver:
BTW i played the bamboo flute in 5th grade

I think this qualifies him.

Did you ever go to band camp? I think if you went to band camp you can be a Dork Diver DM.

Do we have to "qualify" in some way to be a DORK Diver? If so, my profile pic alone should get me in.
Did you ever go to band camp? I think if you went to band camp you can be a Dork Diver DM.


Sorry no band camp, but we played at the town hall :D
I don't think the major was very happy :rofl3:
Ber Rabbit:
Don't clip it off, bungee it to your tank with a couple of those huge rubber bands that come with waterproof disposable cameras :D
Ber :lilbunny:

I'm way ahead - I'm going to buy a kid's sand pail beach kit when I find one with an orange shovel, then mount it to my gear using a RETRACTOR!! Best equivalent to a belt clip case for a calculator I have come across reading the other threads.
If one becomes an official Dork Diver, are they allowed to dive with non-Dork Divers? Cuz right now I dive with some people that are not Dorks, but they are good divers and are fun to be with!

On another note; can I get a can Koozy (very important for SAC) instead of a license plate frame once I pass the Dork Diver Introductory Class?:D

Of course you can dive with Non-Dork Divers. However, you must first certify and as a "Missionary Dork Diver". And one of the perks to being a Missionary Dork Diver is that you must conduct the sacraments to the Dive Gods, which of course, requires you to have a Dork Diver Kozy, suitable for keeping cold offerings cold, and warm offerings warm.

Oh, I love it when a plan comes together....

Maybe a video could be produced..... "Three Dorks in a Garage" ....or has that already been done?
Can we get extra DORK points (maybe towards an ADD card) if we have excessive pockets, d-rings and retractors? If so, this will be the final straw in getting me to add a pocket to my drysuit. I bet I could get quadruple points if I added pockets to my wetsuit! This would give me a place to put my….. oh something.

I was thinking that dorks should be required to have at least one retractor but then I realized that the true dork doesn’t care about requiring what others should or shouldn’t have (with the obvious exception of some of my current dive buddy’s gear).

Can we get extra points if we were mocked for being a dork for packing everything and then later they needed something from our extensive save a dive kit (my vehicle) to keep their dive weekend from being over? (This actually happened twice.)

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