Dork Divers Certification Classes – Suggest Course Outlines

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This thread rocks! I'm such a Dork Diver... and like ClayJar... I love the Dork Diver Gaming Specialty! (I'm also a co-founder of ISOSAD! ;))
Has anybody thought of Dork Diver insurance? I'm sure all Dork Divers already carry DAN, after all they're dorks :) but there may be contingencies that DAN will not cover and that's when Dork Diver insurance comes to the rescue... any ideas?
Dork Diver Spare Air Specialty - Learn how to use your spare air as underwater weapons, noise maker, etc. How to make decorative flower centerpiece for your table using spare air bottles. Using your spare air to dust off the furnitures, under the bed, etc.... Learn to make bubbles using the Spare Air bubble maker kit to entertain your kids.

It is not the size that counts, it is how you use it!
Has anybody thought of Dork Diver insurance? I'm sure all Dork Divers already carry DAN, after all they're dorks :) but there may be contingencies that DAN will not cover and that's when Dork Diver insurance comes to the rescue... any ideas?

Dork Diver insurance should cover for emotional symptoms when other divers (DIR especially) snears and giggles at the sight of a lone dork diver. Dork divers should always dive in groups and carry LARGE knifes, to silent these mean spirited folks. But as true dork divers, who have feelings, we can get hurt. I suggest that our DD insurance should cover for a minimum of 20 short term therapy sessions with a PhD/MD level therapist.

We also need to have dork diver support group, that will help us to cope with our feelings, especially when cruel scubaboard members make fun of our posts.
If you care that much about what NDDs think of you, you're not a Dork Diver. If you've never been a Dork Diver, take some of the classes, but if you were previously, you can simply renew.

(I'd still recommend the Gaming Specialty. It's just plain fun, and you'll certainly get over your non-Dork-ness.)
Dork Diver insurance should cover for emotional symptoms when other divers (DIR especially) snears and giggles at the sight of a lone dork diver. Dork divers should always dive in groups and carry LARGE knifes, to silent these mean spirited folks. But as true dork divers, who have feelings, we can get hurt. I suggest that our DD insurance should cover for a minimum of 20 short term therapy sessions with a PhD/MD level therapist.

We also need to have dork diver support group, that will help us to cope with our feelings, especially when cruel scubaboard members make fun of our posts.

And in true DD fashion, all limited load sessions will be held just shy of 26 miles west of Long Beach, CA, at a depth of about 40-60 fsw, with our own personal DD, PhD, MD, BMF, DM, MOusE...............followed by SI's where we measure our SAC (surface alcohol consumption) rates.....
Well, if the insurance is going to cover emotional syptoms, there could be a prerequisite course:

DDGHSC- Dork Diver Group Hug Specialty Course

Great for team building pre and post dives and well, just gives you that warm CareBear Glow! :blinking:
Well, if the insurance is going to cover emotional syptoms, there could be a prerequisite course:

DDGHSC- Dork Diver Group Hug Specialty Course

Great for team building pre and post dives and well, just gives you that warm CareBear Glow! :blinking:
But to a diver, isn't "feeling blue" a *good* thing? :D

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