Sorry onfloat with "livedrop" I thought you meant the same thing they call "smartbombing" in florida, the same procedure as charlie99 described:
The smartbombing I did in florida had bluewater descents of 100-200ft without reference and we hardly missed the wrecks once...trying that here or in the conditions of uk (or california as onfloat describes them) sounds "optimistic" in the extreme....
I don´t know how they get it to work in the uk (which has similar conditions to here), specially not in the kinds of currents they have...maybe they just drop far enough up-current to find the down-line at 6m/20ft or so?OTOH, in some areas (most notably the UK) it is normal practice to drop a shotline on the wreck and then do a live drop upcurrent of the buoyed shotline.
The smartbombing I did in florida had bluewater descents of 100-200ft without reference and we hardly missed the wrecks once...trying that here or in the conditions of uk (or california as onfloat describes them) sounds "optimistic" in the extreme....