The ideal weight check has been described above, in pieces
At your safety stop, with only your reserve gas left in your cylinder and no air in your BC, you should be able to smoothly hold the stop and then make a nice, controlled ascent to the surface.
The gas in your cylinder has significant weight that you will lose during the dive. Sorry for the imperial calculation, but an AL80 cylinder will be 5.2 lbs (almost 2.4 kg) lighter at the end of the dive that when you started.
It is a good thing to record the weight required in your logbook, for future reference. This will be primarily dictated by your exposure protection and cylinder material and volume.
I will go a little heavy rather than light. You can always remove some weight if you find you are too heavy at your weight check. It is a real pain to be light and not be able to hold the stop. Give it a try, you'll like it