I am pretty sure that if you sign up for the OW course right now, they will let you purchase the items at a student package price. Just a couple of things to consider:
1. I would hold off on purchasing some of the material until it's closer to class time. I heard that PADI may be going away from the tabled RDP to the eRDP (may have already happened). I would also "study" your material closer to class time so that when you have your classroom work, all the material will be fresh.
2. For the mask - I would not put the prescription in until you had a change to try it out in the pool. Although the mask you purchase now may fit fine, you may find out that once you are in the pool, it may not work for you. My wife went through three pairs of masks before she found one that didn't leak. Dolphin was really cool about letting her switch mask. But if you have the prescription lenses installed -I doubt you can return/exchange the mask. BTW - how bad is your prescription? I have a -2.0 in both eyes, and I dive without prescription lenses. I will probably end up ordering prescription for my lense later though.
3. For equipment - wait until the June Madness sale. You will get a substantial saving buying things during the June Madness sale. I think last year it was around June 8th. During the June Madness sale - their price is as low as any online places.
PS - what is your RC handle?