Doing It Prejudiced

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From the sound of it you are physically capable of handling yourself from a fitness and surface swimming ability, be happy with that. What do you want from DIR-f? I have not taken the course but from all acounts it is demanding, however that does not mean it is the only way to further your diving skills. Whilst GUE claim that all thier instructors are of a certain level (and based upon their size its probably true), both IANTD and TDI (even PADI) have GOOD instructors as well that will put you through similar skill training and exercises to acheive the same end result. Find a good instructor and work with them (not easy in Japan i know).
Oh yeah thats nice. Find a PADI instr to take the place of GUE training...I cant even type that w/ out cracking a smile.

Kim, I think as long as you dont smoke during the class (or where the others may see you) you should be fine. And hey if you decide to quite smoking thats great too, I hear the Surgon General said it wasent good. Dont sweat it.
After starting this thread I'll probably be on the secret GUE list of NTBT (Not To Be Trained) divers - I'd probably have to change my name as well!! :D
Oh yeah thats nice. Find a PADI instr to take the place of GUE training...I cant even type that w/ out cracking a smile.

Kim, I think as long as you dont smoke during the class (or where the others may see you) you should be fine. And hey if you decide to quite smoking thats great too, I hear the Surgon General said it wasent good. Dont sweat it.

Eliteist clap trap, its that kind of attitude that pisses people off.

PADI does have some good as well as bad instructors, and my main point was to contact IANTD or TDI
Oh yeah thats nice. Find a PADI instr to take the place of GUE training...I cant even type that w/ out cracking a smile.

It's interesting how many of the people who are objecting to the comments aimed at GUE have a history of aiming similarly unsavory (and often untrue) comments at PADI.

Pot ... meet kettle.

Kim, I think as long as you dont smoke during the class (or where the others may see you) you should be fine.

Only if you want to lie on the application ... which some people I know have done when it comes to DIR training. And, FWIW, I have yet to participate in any scuba class ... either as student, DM, or instructor, that doesn't prohibit smoking during class. That includes classes by YMCA, NAUI, SSI, PADI, and TDI.

I do know some DIR-trained divers who smoke ... one who is an exceptional diver.

Actually, I can't think of a religion that does condone it. Most ignore it, but technically it is a sin in all the religions I have ever been exposed to. That includes, Jewish, Catholic, Mormon, Budhist, Islam, various forms of Christianity, Hindu.

Originally Posted by Minervar
Yes, I know what you mean, but the key word is prohibit.

I already gave you one. Nazarenes prohibit smoking (although, oddly, growing the drug and and selling it to cigarette companies is OK). There are other religions out there that also prohibit smoking ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Help please. GUE is an acronym for what?
And what does "stroke" mean? I read another thread once where someone was offended by being called stroke.

No this is not a troll- I am learning from yall- if I am one, I wanna know what it is. (And all this time I've been just happily diving, making my mask leak from smiling too much...)
GUE means Global Underwater Explorers. The term Stroke is a sarcastic comment used by some, very few, DIR certified divers when referring to non-DIR certified divers.

Help please. GUE is an acronym for what?
And what does "stroke" mean? I read another thread once where someone was offended by being called stroke.

No this is not a troll- I am learning from yall- if I am one, I wanna know what it is. (And all this time I've been just happily diving, making my mask leak from smiling too much...)
GUE means Global Underwater Explorers. The term Stroke is a sarcastic comment used by some, very few, DIR certified divers when referring to non-DIR certified divers.

Actually, it was originally used to refer to someone who was an inherently unsafe diver (see Irvine's original text) ... and was later corrupted to infer those who are non-DIR trained.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Help please. GUE is an acronym for what?
GUE stands for Global Underwater Explorers, an organization that supports research and offers dive training. There website is

And what does "stroke" mean? I read another thread once where someone was offended by being called stroke.
"Stroke" is term for an unsafe diver. It has developed a derogatory connotation so it's use is generally avoided.
I sit (can't type standing up) corrected, thanks Bob.

Actually, it was originally used to refer to someone who was an inherently unsafe diver (see Irvine's original text) ... and was later corrupted to infer those who are non-DIR trained.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

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