Dog Days Report @ Bonne Terre Mine

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Finally, we made DUI Dog Days at Bonne Terre (see the attachment). We arrived much earlier than our scheduled dive time by expecting re-scheduling our dive time, but there was no luck. It was the first time to join in Dogs day so that I can’t compare this event with other ones. But, we didn’t see that many people over there. It might be price matter because BTM required two dives for the event. Actually, they didn’t say “it is required,” but there is no way to try the suit without the water….. LOL… It was a good deal to us because $30 per dive was a relatively cheap to their regular price.


We were always wondering what the hell is DUI suit. We have been told many positive comments, but even we couldn’t try the actual DUI suit in our area. DUI guys were very kind and helpful to us. We spent almost one hour to get the right size and to talk about the suit and its accessory (see the attachment). I was a darn lucky because the stock size was a perfectly fit to my body (Yahoo!!). My buddy requires 2 inch cut on the wrist though. We picked up TLS350 with a Zipseal and rockboot. We also tried DUI BCDs and their weight system. My buddy really liked their weight system. The Zipseal must be pricey option, but it is very attractive option for the frequent diving travelers. We tried the 300g and 400g insulated underwear. The 400g was overkill for the 65 F water temp. I am not sure if the insulated underwear is must buy items. The ordinary polartec fleece seems to be fine. The suit was absolutely great as we expected. We only put the additional 5 or 6 lb weight from our 7mm configuration. As you may guess, the first dive was the disaster (saw diving). The group leader asked only using the suit as the buoyancy device instead of BCD. It made our diving worse. But, we didn’t experience any air traps on underbody. The second dive was much better than the first one. We felt confident enough to dive in DUI drysuit without taking additional “Put Another Dollar In” class. As for the additional accessory, we decide to go with the sport package (hood, knee pad, and bellow pocket), rockboot, and Zipseal.

As usual, nothing can be perfect. First, we couldn't try other suits after picking up one suit because we couldn't get out of mine until we completed two dives over there. Second, as you know, DUI issued the coupon for the participant dealers, but I can’t find any competitive dealers near by my area. Third, most participants seem to be more focused on the mine diving than the suit event. So, we aren’t sure that BTM is the right place for the DUI event.

Again, it was a good to us by catching two rabbits with one stone.
I went to Dog Days at BTM also. This was my second Dog Days event and was pleasantly surprised by the organization by the BTM staff. I had dove the mine previously and couldn't personally see how Dog Days and BTM would be a good fit. I thought it worked very well and was very pleased with the amount of personnel attention I received from the DUI staff in fitting and discussing accessories.

I will be ordering my new DUI next week. The only thing I was bummed about was finding out that my new dry suit will have a 4 to 5 week delivery time.

If you need to use a DUI dealer out of town contact Jeff at Scuba Shop USA Jeff will take care of you and will honor your coupon. BTW I wasn't aware of the coupon before the event and was very pleasantly surprised by it.

No…. No… No….

There is no offense against their event organization. I am talking about the limitation for the dry suit event due to their unique diving environment. Like I said, I wish I could try other suits on that day.

Regarding DUI dealer, thanks for your info. Yes, I have to order the suit by phone or internet. Depending on his starting price on TLS350 stock suit, the coupon ($190 value) can be worth to use it.

I went to Dog Days at BTM also. This was my second Dog Days event and was pleasantly surprised by the organization by the BTM staff. I had dove the mine previously and couldn't personally see how Dog Days and BTM would be a good fit. I thought it worked very well and was very pleased with the amount of personnel attention I received from the DUI staff in fitting and discussing accessories.

I will be ordering my new DUI next week. The only thing I was bummed about was finding out that my new dry suit will have a 4 to 5 week delivery time.

If you need to use a DUI dealer out of town contact Jeff at Scuba Shop USA Jeff will take care of you and will honor your coupon. BTW I wasn't aware of the coupon before the event and was very pleasantly surprised by it.
It wouldn't have mattered if you did try the other suits because you would have come back to the 350 TLS eventually. It's the best suit out there. You will love this suit as long as it fits you.

btw, based on an early post, you mentioned you might be about my size. What stock size fit you, small or medium? Do you have enough room in the suit to eventually use 400 g?

As far as the 400 g thinsulate is concerned, it is great for those 40 degree dives and it really shines should you ever flood your suit. Believe me, you will eventually flood a suit. It usually happens in the winter when it's wickedly windy and cold outside. The 400 g will keep you much warmer than anything else in the event of a flood.


No…. No… No….

There is no offense against their event organization. I am talking about the limitation for the dry suit event due to their unique diving environment. Like I said, I wish I could try other suits on that day.

Regarding DUI dealer, thanks for your info. Yes, I have to order the suit by phone or internet. Depending on his starting price on TLS350 stock suit, the coupon ($190 value) can be worth to use it.
I see what you meant. But, as you may guess, it was only chance to try other DUI suits from our remote location. We might try it at NY when we meet our family though.

I only tried polatec 300g with the medium suit. The small was definately too snug because of my chest size. I am not sure how much enough is enough though. If I use 400g thinsulate, the medium size might be able to snug too. So, what kind of underwear I need in our area? 300g or 400g


Dan Gibson:
It wouldn't have mattered if you did try the other suits because you would have come back to the 350 TLS eventually. It's the best suit out there. You will love this suit as long as it fits you.

btw, based on an early post, you mentioned you might be about my size. What stock size fit you, small or medium? Do you have enough room in the suit to eventually use 400 g?

As far as the 400 g thinsulate is concerned, it is great for those 40 degree dives and it really shines should you ever flood your suit. Believe me, you will eventually flood a suit. It usually happens in the winter when it's wickedly windy and cold outside. The 400 g will keep you much warmer than anything else in the event of a flood.
If you are going to dive the quarries around here I would want 400 g even in the summer if you spend most of your time at the bottom. It never gets above the upper 40s in most of the quarries that have anything over 40 ft depth. However, closer to the surface it can get as high as 80 degrees around September. If you don't spend time in the colder regions, the 300 g will work fine. There are also some cheap 300 weight undergarments that can be had for around $150 from Ocean Liners. I believe she sells on Ebay and does custom sizing. The material comes from Malden Mills which is what DUI uses. DC makes some good undergarments if you don't want to sweat to much on the really hot days. Whatever you decide, just remember that nothing will work as well as the 400 g thinsulate if you flood.

I see what you meant. But, as you may guess, it was only chance to try other DUI suits from our remote location. We might try it at NY when we meet our family though.

I only tried polatec 300g with the medium suit. The small was definately too snug because of my chest size. I am not sure how much enough is enough though. If I use 400g thinsulate, the medium size might be able to snug too. So, what kind of underwear I need in our area? 300g or 400g


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