Does your work Block or Filter Scubaboard?

Does your workplace block or filter any of Scubaboard?

  • Work completely blocks Scubaboard.

    Votes: 12 9.1%
  • Doesn't block Scubaboard at all. Works great!

    Votes: 111 84.1%
  • Blocks Scubaboard 3rd party Advertisements

    Votes: 2 1.5%
  • Filters Scubaboard making it REALLY slow & unusable most of the time

    Votes: 2 1.5%
  • Filter Scubaboard making it slow some of the time.

    Votes: 4 3.0%
  • Other issues with network access to Scubaboard at work? (specify below in thread)

    Votes: 4 3.0%

  • Total voters

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SouthEast USA
I got an email from a fellow Scubaboarder today that said his workplace (where I used to work) is now filtering Scubaboard. He said it takes 4 minutes to load pages.

So does your work block or filter any part of Scubaboard?

My company blocks or filters some of the AD content. Some of the 3rd party AD providers that SB uses are apparantly on the "bad list" with corporate firewall filtering lists, which are typically bought via subscription to a security service.

It's a real pain in the butt since I get these firewall authenication requests for these domains and to click cancel each time it does it. I think some of that is based on the link that it goes to and not the domain advertiser.

I know they use Google Ad's (googlesyndication), Dive Domain Ad's and maybe some others.

So... Anyone else seeing this type activity?

Note: This blocking/filtering doesn't appear to be anything that Scubaboard is causing. It's the corporate workplace where we are seeing this and their internal policies & subscriptions.

However, it might provide some valuable information to SB staff so they can help keep from being blocked.

Thread Note: I put this thread in Basic Scuba Discussions since the "How has SB made a difference?" is about ScubaBoard and is in the same forum. It seems like a "Basic ScubaBoard Discussion" topics that all should be concerned about. If it needs to be moved to Site Support or Non-Diving Related, I understand.
At my work place I'm just a peon. All's I have access to is a company intranet. Execpt for he national weather service & the NY Times, I have no internet access. So at work, Scub Board (along with most everything else) is off limits.
As an IT peon, it's my job to enforce the evil will of the corporate mega god's, or else...

That said, a friendly conversation with your network admin might result in scubaboard getting onto the manual "whitelist", (of course if that doesn't work, CASH talks!, they don't pay us what you THINK they pay us :wink: )

right before you posted, I was trying to edit the "POLL" to add another option of "CORPORATE IT Policy doesn't allow us to use our work computer for non-work sites, so though it's not blocked, it's enforced by management policy"

But it doesn't look like I can edit poll options.
I cook the books at a Fluffer Supply House that caters to the movie industry.

It's all pretty much so wide open for us on the internet.
As an IT peon, it's my job to enforce the evil will of the corporate mega god's, or else...

That said, a friendly conversation with your network admin might result in scubaboard getting onto the manual "whitelist", (of course if that doesn't work, CASH talks!, they don't pay us what you THINK they pay us :wink: )

Uhm..... right now even bribery wouldn't work. We don't even have an IT person. Our "IT" person is actually an electrcal engineer, who is strictly by the books. On top of that I don't think he could give me access. You have to go through our Corp. world wide IT & have a very good reasn to have it. Working in a QC lab, I don't. The company I work for is absolutely NO non- business internet.
Hmm.. I run the network and various paripherals that make it work... lets see.. do I access from work.. "hey me... do I have access??" "Yeah you, you do!" "Does anyone else??" "Could be possibly.. yeah... the filter is pretty lenient unless you hit Colin's old website management meta tags... then your filtered.. except me and the other guy" "OK.. cool!"
I'll take the missing option for $100. :d

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