Does diving create instant intimacy or am I just being fuzzy?

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No. California
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200 - 499
I just got back from an absolutely incredibly wonderful dive vacation in Australia. I went by myself and had the opportunity to live, blow bubbles, compare cameras, equipment, history and thoughts with a total of 70 other divers from all around the globe over the course of my 5 weeks there. It was awesome, anyway

Here's my thought, questions, thread etc.

I was looking at pictures and trying to explain to those who either are very young (my sons -both divers) or non-divers, the intimacy I feel while diving with what are virtually total strangers (or what I like to call "Friends I hadn't met yet") I never once thought twice about the fact that when I decided to go off and dive with a buddy I was putting my life in this person's hands and they were giving me the privilege as well. I know that after a particularly beautiful, awesome dive, it felt like I shared something unique and wonderful with this person I barely knew.

Example: I was diving in Western Australia with about 10 other divers, when we saw three humpbacks -2 adults and a calf. It felt (to me) that a hush fell over all of us and that sense of wonder and excitement bound us together.

My sons accuse me of waxing philosophic and spiraling into my hippie childhood roots.

Which is it? Am I the only one that after spending over a month with a number of strangers for different periods of time, feel like there's a closeness, a trust that is lacking in my relationships with people I share other passions with- (diving's not my only passion-just one of the biggest)

Fuzzy or fact?


"under the sea, under the sea, life would be sweeter...
.... I know that after a particularly beautiful, awesome dive, it felt like I shared something unique and wonderful with this person I barely knew. ...

My sons accuse me of waxing philosophic and spiraling into my hippie childhood roots.


As a fellow 45+ aged dive, I believe you son's are right!
I dive with my lovely bride, it is very special!
Agreed... ever been around a computer geek when they encounter another computer geek? LOL!
If any of my dive buddies have the urge to get intimate with me, we'll have issues.

But, I see what you are saying.
A fellow once asked me if I was friends with the guy I do most of my diving with. "We're closer than friends," I said. "We're dive buddies."
Its more than that.

When you have a regular buddy - someone you dive with 50, 100, 200 times a year, its multiplied to a factor too high to count.

You prepare for the dive together - calling and Text Messaging through out the prep, sharing the anticipation of the pending shared adventure.

You often travel to the dive site together - long drives or even flying together. More bonding occurs, as you talk about what you're going to see, run through dive plans and the excitement builds.

You arrive on-site together. This release of "we're finally here" is shared together. There is a rush of anticipation.

You gear up together - looking out for each other. Is the light cord routed correctly, are your hoses in the right place, can I pick up your fins, do you have your keys or are you going to lock them in your car, did you bring quarters for the meter... Again, sharing the preparation together.

You roll through the dive plan - we're going XXX deep for so long, then moving to ABC depth, etc. I need to get a shot of this critter, so keep your eyes open, can you hold this for me so I can get my fins on in the surf... planning the dive and beginning the adventure.

Once on the dive, all of the years of diving together begin to surface, and you're reminded of why you love diving with this specific buddy. This person knows what you're thinking. You've poured into each other for so long that you are a very tight team. The thing is this: Diving is silent - in as much as the experiences shared are wholly without speech. Wetnotes aside, all communication underwater is non-verbal. I can tell just by looking at the silhouette of my buddy how they're feeling - stress, joy, trepidation, concern, carefree, happy, etc. Just by their attitude in the water (shoulders up, down, chin firm, etc.) and the pattern of their kicking.

The bottom line is you're simply safer and the dive is more relaxing and the entire experience is more fulfilling with a buddy who knows you well and who you know well. There is a cost for this, and its hours together - paying attention, asking tough questions, etc. No insta-buddy can match this. A tight team and a regular buddy is the best thing ever.

This bond doesn't stop once you hit the surface. There is the chatter about all you've seen together on the way back to the car or hotel. There is the re-living the dive over dinner, there is the pouring over the photographs, reliving the funny things you wrote in your wetnotes. There is the trying to explain to dry people how amazing it is down there.

The bond between dive buddies is real. I put my life in my buddy's hands, and they put their life in mine. I take that very seriously, and the closer we are - the greater the responsibility. It far transcends the life of a stranger - this is my buddy. We've shared hundreds of hours under water and thousands of hours above water - we're a team. My buddy has seen me at my best. My buddy has seen me at my worst, and my buddy still dives with me.

Oh yes - its very real.

Yeah. What Ken said.

Of course I get the "warm fuzzies" when I'm not diving solo (and even when I am), and I don't even use a dry suit!

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