Does anyone want to see a picture of my new car?!!!!

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Marie what moors ?

All I know is there was a little pub up ontop of the hill way out in the middle of no where and I ended up getting food poisoning from the shrimp salad. Oh and they were very green. Does that narrow it down? :06:
YES I know the place no extra charge for the food poisoning right ?
OK lets try this what part of the country where you in north south left right that would help narrow it down or you could just tell me outright by giving me a town/city name.
YES I know the place no extra charge for the food poisoning right ?
OK lets try this what part of the country where you in north south left right that would help narrow it down or you could just tell me outright by giving me a town/city name.

My Da is from Leeds so it would have been in the north. Not as far as Northumberland so I would say just north of Leeds. I can't remember what downs were around. I was 18 when I was over last and being with my advancing years (25, ya right) my memory fails every now and then.

Oh the stress is killing me. I need to call my Da to see if he knows where it was.
ILKLEY MOOR, GODS COUNTRY, thats where Im from. Did you see the movie calendar girls filmed on the moors

My boys fathers family is from Northumberland. Big family there. Can you guess my last name?
Im not real big on royalty (names) should I bow and grovel at your feet

Not at my feet. My family worked hard in the mines. I am just a poor little first gen Canadian. Heck, the other side of my family was kicked out of Ireland (don't ask). The boys just get a huge kick out of the entire thing. I do too I guess.

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