Too funny - I figure I will ask a new buddy twice for air pressure. Once about 500psi into the dive, at that point I will know roughly how we compare re SAC and from that will know roughly when to turn the dive and more importantly who is the air hog. Second time is when I figure it is time to turn the dive - if I am using buddy's air to calculate the turn, If I am the air hog then no need to ask, but I will probably ask again anyway just to check my initial calculations. If buddy is a real air hog I will ask a couple of more times as I figure they are running low - particulalry if we are cutting it close re surfacing. After that I probably won't ask more than once a dive and then only if turn pressure is critical for some reason.Buddy divers are so dependent and incomplete. I am amazed they are able to survive. Don't you hate having to partner with a buddy dependent diver? It is like being squeezed in a vice, smothered. They are constantly checking my air supply and asking me if I am OK, it gets real old real fast, about the 30th time I am asked if I am OK, I disappear into the blue. See ya. N
Hate the every couple of minutes check. No need unless something about the dive makes me concerned about buddy's consumption.