That physicians have the "same average intelligence as the general popoulation" is simply drivel unsupported by the published literature.
A few citations [NOTE: Classification of IQ: Very Superior 128 and over; Superior 120-127; Bright Normal 111-119; Average 91-110; Dull Normal 80-90; Borderline 66-79; Defective 65 and below]:
1. Matarazzo, Joseph D. Wechsler's Measure and Appraisal of Adult Intelligence, 5th Edition. Oxford University Press, 1972:
Measured Intelligence and Education
125 Mean of persons receiving Ph.D. and M.D. degrees
115 Mean of college graduates
105 Mean of high school graduates
100 Average for total population
75 About 50-50 chance of reaching ninth grade
2. Modern IQ ranges for various occupations (Meritocracy, Cognitive Ability, and the Sources of Occupational Success; Robert M. Hauser; 2002):
See Figures 7-12.
3. Performance Norms on Job Applicants Northfield, Illinois: E.F. Wonderlic & Associates, Inc., 1970:
Approximate Percentiles and Intelligence Quotients (Terman) of Job Applicants
Profession/IQ range
Professor, Chief Executive Officer/112 - 132
Doctor, Writer, Computer Specialist/108 - 129
Administrator, Engineer/105 - 126
Department Head, General Manager/103 - 124
Claims Adjuster, Inspector,
Laboratory Technician,
Management Trainee, Supervisor/101 - 122
Accounting Clerk, Computer Operator,
Sales Representative/99 - 119
Bookkeeper, Cashier, Data Processing/97 - 116
Circulation Manager,
Customer Service Representative,
Electrician, Foreman,
General Office Lineman,
Office Machine Operator, Teller/93 - 113
This, of course, does not address the particular level of intelligence of NovaSS's local pulmonary specialist.
And, I would agree that the average physician has a limited knowledge of diving medicine.