Thank you for your answers.
Mainly maintenance, anti-icing, dirty water (abrasive).
Secondäry size . weight , price .
Also, what does your question really mean? E.g., does a membrane first stage need to be environmentally sealed in order to have proper cold resistance? -- No, see for example the Poseidon Xstream, where the icing problem is solved in a different way and it being open to the environment is in fact part of the solution. However, does this mean that environmental sealing is just unnecessary and any other first stage is equally cold resistant? Also no.
being open to the environment is in fact part of the solution !
And how to do this really well, there are also examples with the Poseidon Xstream and the SP MK11 Evo
and at piston stages like the new SP MK2 Evo with the large slots or SP MK25 with its many big holes .
There may be others that I don't know now , and I guess other will follow .
Only few people sealed their Poseidon 1st stages (with glycerin or vodka under a rubber cup), yet freezing Poseidons were/are unheard of. Even without environmental sealing, these diaphragm stages do not freeze easily.
In the 1970s and 1980s many old Poseidon and Dräger 1st membrane stages were used for ice diving in Germany. I am not aware of a single case where one of these reg. is frozen while diving. Both 1st stage are not even optimally open to the water.
The diaphragm of the first stage is not a good conductor of heat. Nevertheless, there is always a certain amount of heat from the adjusting spring side to the inside (IP space). This is actually desirable, but water cools down when it is in the spring space. For this reason, the water should be replaced often .
Actually incomprehensible that there are constructions that do not promote this exchange.
A single opening or only 4 thin holes are not optimal.
But there is a much more important reason why a wet room should be well ventilated.
You have to be able to rinse it well. And It should dry quick and well to avoid corrosion .
Is it possible to rinse and dry well through one small opening? My experience says no.
Sticky mud or abrasive water ?
Under these circumstances it always takes time to clean diver and gear.
You have to rinse the reg. in water anyway. Additional work is not caused by not sealed reg.
Abrasive particel ?
In the water chamber of a membrane reg. there are no parts that slide on each other.
Even if there are abrasive particles in the water, they will not cause wear .
Maintenance sealed vs open first membrane stages .
The sealing is done by a thin elastic membrane and the sealing must be checked periodically.
If water penetrates undetected it promotes corrosion and since the water is not exchanged, the risk of freezing is greater. You need more maitenace .
After all this, where is the advantage of isolating a membrane stage from water?