The dive operators will know from their paperwork how many dives I have and I will use my cert card from 1973 and a advanced tri mix card on the paperwork, they can figure it out. Other than that it is never again mentioned. On the boat my lips are sealed.That has been discussed countless times on ScubaBoard during the 18 years I have been a participant. I have yet to see anyone cite and example in which someone got in any legal trouble simply because they happened to be on the boat when an incident happened, regardless of their certification status. Besides, if an attorney were so inclined, it would not be hard to find your true certification status.
In my previous post, I was differentiating between what card you show to the operator and what you announce to the people on the boat. Most people don't say a word on the boat. I wonder about those who feel a need to do so.
An example I have cited often is the time I was on a very large boat, about 25 people, on the main island of Hawai'i. We had been divided into three groups before we got onto the boat. Before we left harbor, a man pulled my group together and told us we had been selected to dive together because we all had more dives than the DM trainee who would lead the dive. We were told the DM was mostly just learning the site, and we could pretty much do what we wanted, as long as we stayed near. Our group splashed first and got back on the boat last, having had a great dive. I wondered how many highly certified divers had been in the beginner groups because they had fooled the operator by showing a low level card.
I dived in Cozumel this past June with a couple of friends. The dive operator had a number of boats. The three of us spent that week on a boat with highly experienced divers, and we did some great sites not normally dived by the madding crowd. In fact, we only saw other dive groups on a couple of dives. Again, that is because they knew we were not run of the mill divers.
So, if you want to be sure to do all your dives with the beginner groups, by all means show a beginne
And I have been summoned by the attorneys to be questioned, (deposition), several times, (in good old California). Once for a diver that died on the boat and was given CPR while I was in the water already, and another when a diver died in the parking lot after leaving the dive boat, both cases I was no where near when the incident occurred, but I spent several days of my life in the attorneys office getting interviewed. Both times they stated that I was a Fire Dept. paramedic and a search and rescue certified diver and what did I do to help???
It's all fun and games until the attorney's get involved............