Do I need a dry suit?

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Groton, CT
I was thinking of buying one in the next year but I don't know if I will get my money out of it seeing as I'm going to move back to florida in three years. I currently have a Mares semi'.

Is the dry suit really that much better? (Obviously I have never dove with one.)
3 years is a long time to freeze up in CT, cuts your season down if ya can't be in the water year 'round without shivering your fillings loose.
Where in FL are you going?
Drysuits are very nice to have if you're in the Panhandle or out in the Gulf a ways, gets downright nippy in the winter.
Some drysuits maintain a good resale value if ya take care of them, you can always sell it or swap off for other gear.
If you're still young & tough you should be able to ride it out w/o a drysuit tho.:D
For me it was well worth it to buy a drysuit but then again i dove in 55 deg water.Some of our best days for visibility are during the winter.The nice thing about owning a drysuit is being dry while doing a surface interval on a cold day.

If your not getting cold in your wetsuit or diving coldwater and your surface intervals are no problem after being wet from getting out of your wetsuit then skip the drysuit.
Bob3 once bubbled...
3 years is a long time to freeze up in CT, cuts your season down if ya can't be in the water year 'round without shivering your fillings loose.
Where in FL are you going?

Don't know yet....just know that I'm going. I get out of the Navy in three years and I want to go back to FL. My wife lived in Orlando for three years. I lived there for one year and I also lived in Ft. Lauderdale (actually Boca Raton) for a year.

I had more fun in Laudy than anywhere I hae ever been or lived for that matter..
Not really I'm going to keep my options open to anything Daytona down. It all just depends on where the money pulls me. (I've got my fingers crossed for Laudy though) :shades:
I'd go for the dry suit. Here in the PNW most dive with dry suits, I feel sorry for the divers in wet suits. The time in the water isn't the problem it's the surface interval. Went diving last Friday, water temp was a balmy 42 degrees, we were nice and warm in our dry suits. Three years is a long time if your cold, maybe look into a used suit is possible. You can always sell it when you move.


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