I must respectfully disagree with this pronouncement. As someone who has used an AIR2 for well over 20 years and currently owns 3, the statements are just wrong. As an inflator, the AIR2 works just as well as any of the several others I used, and as an alternate regulator it works as well as a conventional octo and is very easy to get to since I already know where it is since I’m using it for buoyancy control.
I’m not an instructor and don’t plan to be, but as a career teacher (46 years, now retired) I recognize the importance of modeling for the student. But as a
diver, I want my gear configured for
me to dive... and if I’ve done a proper pre-dive with my buddy, he’ll know what to expect, and hopefully he won’t be so careless as to suffer an out-of-air event anyway!
Sorry if this sounds like an attack or rant, but when I read such statements made as absolute truth, I just cannot leave them unchallenged.
