The last minute approach to taking a course certainly contributes to anyone being un-prepared.
I at least had time to review all the materials before heading down to Hawaii for my resort course.
In fact I read three books -the current PADI OW manual, an old version of the PADI manual and Scuba Diving by Dennis Graver.
But, I'm a bit of a book worm.
Since then I have continued my education with local dives and courses and have read or I am in the process of reading:
The Six Skills and other Discussions by Steve Lewis
Beginning with the End in Mind, Fundamentals of Recreational Diving - the GUE OW course manual
Deco for Divers by Mark Powell
There is a large dive community in Calgary...lots of local divers to hang out with, 5 shops to bum around in and take local dives with, and of course lots of instructors / mentors about.
So, to Brnt999 I suggest checking out the Underwater Outlaws, the local Calgary dive club/social group, and the Alberta Underwater Council for dive events across the province.
7mm wetsuits and farmer johns are available for rental, and a drysuit instruction/course would not be out of the question if you want to improve your skills during our upcoming dive season.