MATTKINZ:Plexiglass and PVC will weld both with PVC cement and with superglue. On my housing,(see page 11),I began with PVC cement and used a medical syringe with small needle to add superglue to capillary fill any gaps. Worked like a charm.
to shape PVC, 400 degree oven about 10 minutes. Use some scrap pieces to test it first. If using a pipe on a pipe, Once cooled, use a heat gun on the outer tube to expand a bit and they will separate a lot easier.
Of course, 5200 would work very well too. I think it would glue just about anything to anything. mk
I used Marine goop on my housing. You can actually apply it underwater and it will still cure (didn't use this method for my housing). It is bonds with PVC and acrylic, is flexible, and paintable. The nice thing about it also is that it is UV resistant. I feel that is what will cause problems with some adhesives used (none that have been mentioned thus far to my knowledge.). I tried it on a scrap piece of acrylic and pvc and you couldn't get it off at all. We shall see when I get my housing down for pressure testing this weekend. It sat submerged in the tub for 12 hours last night with no leaks.