Personally, I would forgo any more dives at least until you get the condition under control (a year since your last seizure). The main problems being 1) apnea and 2) availability of meaningful medical assistance.
Apnea is obviously the most pressing problem because maintaining an airway is precarious at best when you have the seizure on dry land in your livingroom. If the seizure is one of the major "Grand Mal" seizures you are in big trouble. Even moreso if you go into a status epilepticus where you are seizing for a prolonged period of time and need narcotic agents to knock you down. If you have either one of these seizures at any meaningful depth, you're probably going to die.
Assuming that you can be rescued from the water, you are going to probably need some serious medical intervention. First, how long will the apnea last? We don't know. You could become a vegitable. Second is there any secondary trauma associated with the incident? Third, if you are status epilepticus, and an amazing rescue can be made (it will have to be a brilliant one) can the airway be protected and drugs be given in a timely manner to save you? Probably not.
That being said, I am not a doctor, and that is a conversation that you REALLY need to have with him or her. My unqualified medical oppinion: Don't risk it.