Hey MD,
Sounds like you’re doing well with the insertion learning curve. I’m glad to hear it. It can be frustrating. And of course, they always tend to not insert well when you are in a bit of a hurry.
Having some residual aberrations is pretty common. I have them quite noticeably, especially at night, but the improvements over soft lenses and glasses is remarkable. Without sclerals I’d have had to give up Law Enforcement several years ago.
Having the best permeability should help with keeping the right amount of O2 on the eye. Poor oxygenation caused some redness issues with mine. If you find yourself experiencing redness, try Naphcon or Lumify, both OTC drops,. Naphcon is good for allergies, too.
I was pretty comfortable with them fairly quickly. Now, they aren’t usually uncomfortable, but there is always the sensation of having them in. It is not painful, nor all that bothersome mostly, but always there. And understandably so, they are pretty good sized chunks of plastic that we are sticking onto our eyes.
There is a bit of brain-training in the process. Sometimes it seems that things are in focus, but displaced a bit spatially. It is kind of like wearing progressive lensed glasses. I seem to remember that I had a bit of what felt like motion sickness or vertigo right at the start but it did not last long.
Hopefully your diving will go well. It sounds like you’re well on your way to successful scleral lens wearing.
Let me know how your diving goes, I pray it works out as well as it has for me.