Diving Near Oxford Alabama?

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Moses Lake, Washington
# of dives
500 - 999
Hey Deep Dixie Divers,

Looks like there is a good chance I'll be traveling to Oxford Alabama in December for a week or so and wondering what kind of diving might exist in the area and what I'd need to do to get ready for it? I figure it's gonna be cold and I have not done any diving yet that a 3mil wasn't considered thick for (75*f. is my coldest dive so far - lol)

Is it worth bringing my rig along and trying? Or should I just enjoy a bit of snow and ice instead? I've been wanting to try some cold weather diving just for a bit of "variety" and to see what you guys consider "normal" conditions - so am I crazy or is this a possibility?

Anyway - all suggestions appreciated ... Even those that say "Don't even think about it" lol

Aloha, Tim
There is a quarry with alotta NASA junk in it near Huntsville, AL called Rock Divers. Its a fun place to check out. I've only been once, at the end of summer. Temps then were in the low 70sF at depth(~50') and probably 80F on the surface. I would expect 40s and 50s towards December.

There is another quarry in Pelham, AL thats supposed to be pretty fun - less junk, but much larger with depths exceeding recreational limits. I'd expect temperatures to be 40s-50s there as well.

You could dive Lake Martin, get ahold of Tom_Smedley or Spyrnia for more information on that area.

How far are you willing to drive? Lots of great freshwater springs in FL's panhandle. Charters out of Gulf Shores/Orange Beach, AL as well as FL's panhandle if you want some saltwater fun - lots of great wrecks and a few deep limestone reefs.
Like SuPrBuGmAn said, there is Rock Divers near Huntsville and Blue water near Pelham, which is just south of Birmingham (which is most likely where you'll fly into, if you don't fly into Atlanta and drive over).

There is also Glenco Quarry near Gasden which is about an hour north of Oxford. It's called Diveland Park.

Now one thing here about diving in the winter. It's not warm diving. The air temps will most likely be in the 40's or 50's and the water temp at Rock Divers according to their temp log is in the 50's in December. The othe quarries are tyically colder, so I'd expect them to be in the 40's at the coldest then.

What this means is that your 3mm wetsuit will most likely not make you a happy diver.
Now most of these places rent drysuits or 5mm or 7mm wetsuits. I'd say a wetsuit rental averages $10 to $20 bucks per day. Being from Maui, that's most likely your best bet as you won't need it there and no real reason to buy one for a few days.

Chances are you'll be the only one diving in most of the quarries that time of year. I'd verify that the quarry is even open for operation that day. Saturdays that time of year might bring out one or two other "die hards".

Now Vortex Springs in the FL panhandle stays about 68 or a little cooler all winter long and people dive there during the winter. It's feed by an underwater freshwater spring. It's most likely a 4 hr drive south from Oxford.

Here's some URL's for you to use for research.
http://www.rockdivers.com (Quarry near Huntsville)
http://www.divealabama.com (Quarry in Pelham south of Birmingha
http://www.headsouth.com/diveland/ (Quarry near Gasden)

You should be able to get air fills or rental at any of the quarries.

hope all this helps.

Thanks guys - This might be a good chance to take a drysuit course - even though I may not do much diving dry (at least for awhile) But it would be good experience and one of the few opportunities I might have to try that. If not, then renting a 7mil wetsuit sounds like the way to go .... anybody in that area diving that time of year be interested in a dive together? (I'll even swap for a Maui shore dive buddy next time you're in my neck of the woods :wink: )

Aloha, Tim
We'll definitely be diving in Alabama in December and you're invited. As the time draws near, PM me or Tom Smedley; we may end up in Lake Martin with water temps around 50F, or if you want to make the trip to Vortex or even the Gulf (now there's a crap shoot - checking my log for years past you could see anything from 75 to 49 in December in the Gulf) we can put something together there.
Renting a heavier wetsuit or drysuit is the ticket - I wouldn't even bother bringing the 3 mil.
Thanks Sphyrna - I'll get in touch as the time draws nearer - I've been wanting to try cold water diving since my first open water dive - I didn't expect the opportunity to present itself this year however :)

I wouldn't even bother bringing the 3 mil.
and here I thought my dive skin would be enough :wink:

Aloha, Tim
and here I thought my dive skin would be enough :wink:
Only for SuPrBuGmAn and the Whiskey wreck... :) :) :)
Blue Water in Pelham is currently about 57 on the surface and is always 54 on the bottom. I dive it year round in a 5mm wet suit, hood, and gloves. A dry suit may be preferred but I have no problems with a wet suit.
Blue Water in Pelham is currently about 57 on the surface and is always 54 on the bottom. I dive it year round in a 5mm wet suit, hood, and gloves. A dry suit may be preferred but I have no problems with a wet suit.
Hey Kidspot, let me know when you get down here, I'll go diving with you wherever.

Steelslinger: I was supposed to be heading out to North Carolina this weekend for some wreckdiving, but the boat is going to get blown out.. :( My buddy Kyle and I were thinking about coming out to either rockdivers or bluewater. Are you going to be out at BW this weekend?


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