Hey Torontonian, I was on that boat and had a completely different experience. Yes the viz was low, however I took the DM's advice and slowed down and looked at the little things. I was amazed at some of the stuff i saw that i would normally pass by(i.e. sea spiders,small crabs, tunicates, christmas tree worms,small tropicals.) It is what you make of it.
Also if I'm correct, you were facing the divemaster as he was checking your gear before entry when you decided to throw up. He politely dodged it and I for one can understand him wanting to get you into the water.
As for rental gear not to your liking? a simple investment in your own gear would solve that problem.
As for a crowded boat? I look at it as an opportunity to meet new people. Also you must remember that the east coast of the US is not a year round dive destination. Summer is the busiest time.
I point this out only as an example of how people can be in the same place at the same time and have a totally different experience.
Maybe some more dive experience under varying conditions and your own gear would be helpful to you in the future.
Hi Yankeediver. I see this is your first post, welcome to the board.
Thanks for your post, from a different perspective. Yes I was the one that threw up just before jumping. I've been on many boat rides before but this was the first time with 2+hr ride in choppy water. The first 1+hr was fine then I began to feel sick. I think the early start time of 7am and my not getting full sleep the night before must have contributed to it. Now I learned to take medicine if I'm going on a long boat ride.
I was warned that diving in Myrtle beach won't be that good, but wanted to give it a try. Their web site described the site as having 30-60' viz. So the 5' viz was a disappointment. The dive op cannot control the weather or viz, but they can control many other things that I felt lacking.
When I first booked with them for a dive to the Governor for July 2, they said they need 6 divers to go out. gt3073b (from this board) indicated he called to book but was told it was full?!? On July 1 Jennifer called to cancel saying they have 5 divers and needed 9 to go?! She said my booking for July 7 Bill Perry is now switched to July 6 and they don't yet have enough people. She encouraged me to go on the July 3 Bill Perry as they will definitely go.
On July 2 I drove to the dive shop to make sure I know the location. I asked to do the paperwork for next day's diving thinking it'll save them time for next day, but they say to wait till next morning. Well on July 3 at 7am, it took more than 1 hr to go through all the paper work and get them the rental gears. Most other ops ask for sizes beforehand and have them ready on the day, and finish the paperwork on the way on the boat. That's >1hr we can save. One op that was very organized, had everyone's gear in individual mesh bags, with name tags.
You commented that if I don't like the rental gear quality I can buy my own. Well, among the 3 shops in the area, this shop charges the most for rental. At $40 (I had my own mask/fin/snorkel/wetsuit/light), their BC showed lots of color fading and many years of use, the regular mouthpiece had two cracks. Even in Cuba at much lower rates, they had better rental gears. Maybe it's the going rate/quality in Myrtle Beach, but I think it's useful for people to know from this shop rental gears can be well used and lower quality despite the high prices.
It is the first time on a dive boat where the dive op just don't seem to care. They left it to people to find a rental weight belt and to find suitable weights. I had to ask to make sure these are the ones I can use and took several pieces to ask how many pounds they were (no marking on them). Every other ops I've been to had weights with clear marking (how many lbs) Many people had their own full gears and buddies and seem to be seasoned divers. It's the first time the dive op didn't try to pair/group people up or coming around asking and making sure people's needs are taken care of or questions answered. Maybe it's the norm there, but not my experience elsewhere.
The low viz was disappointing, nothing you can do about it. My getting seasick spoiled things, and it's my problem. But the dive op can conduct their business in a more efficient and more caring/friendly manner, with better quality rental gears.