Diving from my own boat??

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Reaction score
Asheboro, NC
# of dives
50 - 99
I've been offshore fishing for decades but just got into diving this past fall with my 18yr old son. We have 25 dives with some in the ocean in FL back in the winter and the rest in quarries. Obviously I understand currents and sea conditions but wanted to ask about the idea of diving from my own boat. I have all necessary safety equipment but not an O2 kit.
Was thinking of doing some shallow (35' or less) dives on frying pan shoals and some of my inshore fishing spots away from boat traffic.
Looking for thoughts, suggestions, cautions, etc.
Have somebody on board who can work radio and boat at all times when some body is in the water diving. There are currents at Frying Pan. If anchored they need to be able also to pull anchor and come get you. If you are diving from anchor be sure you know the pull the anchor drill if it gets hung up.
Oh yeah I would definitely have my other crew (son and fellow Capt. buddy up top). I'm very familiar with the currents out there bottom fishing that area over the years. Sometimes they are ripping. Also have a quick release on my fortress anchor. I don't like losing an expensive anchor due to it being hung in the rocks. I would definitely have a safety sausage if we got away from the boat and have an extra submersible VHF handheld.
There are also some rules about displaying the right sort of flag but you probably know that. Of course, you need to add a tag line. Make sure your ladder is heavy duty. You going to use a hang bar or a weighted drop line? Handy for the safety stop.
I do have a dive flag. Thought I would put out a down current float line and use a couple of downrigger weights to drop a down line. I was thinking the same thing. Would be good to hang on to for my safety stop. Thought about using a tow line with float since I plan on staying shallow. That would also let the guys in the boat know where we are while we are down.
I always put a tank and regulator on the down line when diving...
Make sure to have a Safety Sausage and a light. It could be the difference between getting found should you surface away from the boat. Really should have 02 onboard any dive boat too. I interviewed a diver who was lost in very calm seas when they started the dive - currents/wind changed mid dive. She didn't have her SMB with her but luckily had a light. They didn't find them until after dark and only because of the light she had with fresh batteries. It was a long day for the two divers. Be safe & enjoy!
Good points. I have strobes, whistle, portable submersible VHF's and PLB/EPIRB's due to offshore fishing that you can carry on a life vest or BC including safety sausage for my son and I .
Interesting point on the O2. I've been researching. Is the point of O2 mainly for DC sickness vs drowning victim. Reason I ask, just looking back at my First Responder training going through captain school, we never discussed the use of 02 for drowning victoms and the USCG doesn't have guidance for carrying it on boats for hire. (That I'm aware of) However it appears to obviously be a first response for DCS in diving related accidents. If that is the case and not trying to be risky at all, if you remain shallow (say 30') and control your time and ascent it appears that risk can greatly be minimized. Not trying to cut corners. Believe me anyone who has fished with me can tell you I prepare for about every contingence offshore. Just trying to learn the new world of diving and the possible contingences. Thanks to everyone for the great feedback.

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