I arrived in France three weeks ago to start a new job and I plan to go diving. It is snowing a blizzard accross France so there is no rush, but I am in Brest where it is mild and the locals are diving every weekend still, so I have asked to join the local club. I was a PADI Instructor a few years ago, issued over 500 certifications, and I have some other certs including NAUI Trimix II.
Today I passed my French diving medical, which for some reason was totally free. In fact, on the way back to work I found a ten Euro note on the footpath so in Australia I would have paid $100-150 for a dive medical there but here I got back to work after lunch with more money than I went out with.
Next apparently they need to work out what I am equivalent to, (I think the same as we commonly do elsewhere in the world).
So, tonight I Googled FFESSM and then I read this thread, and I thought maybe the next guy who Googles FFESSM might also end up here so I should prospectively describe my experience trying to dive France.
We will see.
I was told maybe I might be limited by the equivalency system, which is constrained by their insurance, in the same way as when even famous French divers Eric and Francis Le Guen came to Australia in the 80s for cave diving, and needed to undergoe supervised check-out dives before being permitted to dive Cocklebiddy Cave with CDAA insurance. 30 years on Francis is still producing dive DVDs and writing articles for diving magazines; he is awesome, but he will still need some more check out dives if he comes back to Australia for cave diving, because of the insurance rules.
In my experience, about a dozen countries, this is pretty normal so far. If no-one needs insurance, like you're not on a boat or in a cave or being guided, you can knock yourself out at the beach, but if you want someone else to make you welcome then they need to know your next-of-kin isn't going to kick the family out of their house in some settlement if you do something stupid.
So, I will jump through the hoops and let you know how it goes. Can I go deep, will I need guiding...?
Stay tuned
PS: Today I didn't have to drop my pants and cough. I wonder now if that's been an Australian joke, making me do that every year?