Diving Equipment???????

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I am looking for alot of input......I am looking for suggestion on equipment for those of us that are new. Are there certian brands and if so what are better then others? Being new I am a little overwhelmed by all the equipment.

Thanks in advance!!!!

I am looking for alot of input......I am looking for suggestion on equipment for those of us that are new. Are there certian brands and if so what are better then others? Being new I am a little overwhelmed by all the equipment.

A lot of this will depend on the type of diving you will most often be doing. Will you be diving cold waters or warm waters?

Until then, I would only say that one of the important things is to find gear that you will be comfortable with. If you're stressing over a complicated or painful piece of equipment, then it will only affect the outcome of your dive and may make it less than an enjoyable experience. If you're comfortable and relaxed, then you can focus on enjoying the dive and open to seeing all the new sights.

Keep this in mind when buying new gear. Sometimes trying to save a couple of bucks will not pay off if you're only misserable in the ocean. Take all the time you need to sort through it all, it's a great sport and it's worth the effort.

Enjoy your dives!
You need to find someone who You can Trust to "Show the ropes". Someone who has tried lots of equipment and has spent some time in the equipment. There will be those who want to sart You on Extreme diving...Caves and the like. Still others that want You to be comfortable and safe. The latter is the ones to talk to. Your diving instructor will help.
Start at the basic Equipment then work on all the other stuff that dangles and entertains You, like camerias and Speafishing.
Spend lots of time diving to get used to Your equipment. You already know the basics on using Your equipment, so be prudent with Your cash.
Here are what I use:
BCD Black diamond, Regulators...which I have many of all pieces of equipment. The Regulator is Posidion , The drysuit is CF 200 DUI which has lasted 4 yrs as a commercial Construction Diver,. Fins: Scubapro Split fins for fun dives and "Blades" for work. Mask is Scuba Pro because of the low volume and very flexable skirts. I have hair on the upper lip...I never use a snorkell so You'll have to forgive me... Lights, UK8R, Night rider-recharable, Canon Hid, Uk D4
I use HP100's, HP120, LP98, LP98 with OLD bottles which I started with in the '60's 4ea LP72's.
The old Regulators, fins, hoods, knifes are from the "60's and are working well. The reason I use the "new gear" is because they DO work better.
I use the Suunto Viper for the Primary computer because I can attach it to the dive hose when I'm using Hat and Hose. Not intergrated. If I was to dive only Scuba then I thing that intergrated computers are the way to go. Just my Opinon from an Old Moldy Navy trained diver. I have never stopped since getting qualifyed in '67
oh boy, what a loaded question.

my advice, if possible, dont buy something because its the cheapest - try to spend a bit more now so you dont regret your decision later on.

try before you buy, if a shop says "buy it now and if you dont like it then we can swap it for something else" find another shop. arrange a dive shop to have a few brands to try out in their pool before you hand any money over. go to a local busy dive site and see what others are wearing. hell, approach a few divers in the carpark and ask them-we're a friendly lot!. keep in mind that a dive shop is going to support their brands the most so if they rubbish a particular brand - check it out here and you will get alot of honest responses.

my prefered choice is zeagle bcd and sherwood regulator and ive traveled the world with them.

my BCD is a Zeagle Tech and i LOVE IT! (hubby's version of a sexy birthday present). It is weight intergrated, meaning i dont have to wear a weight belt as the weights are in a weight pouch and they sit inside 2 bcd weight pockets. So much more comfortable! its also rear inflated - so i dont get a chest squeeze plus, it just looks fantastic!!!

my old sherwood reg is 5 years old and still going great, hubby just got me a new reg and its also sherwood and im very happy with the product.

my current computer is a sherwood wisdom (christmas present) but hubby dives with a aladin air-z (he just upgraded from a air-x).

when looking at a bcd, keep in mind most manufactures make "women" bcd now so they are worth looking at also (zeagle zena and scubapro ladyhawk are 2 brands i can think of).

when buying your reg, you might be asked do you what a yoke or din valve, keep in mind that most resorts in the Pacific (fiji) use yoke valves on their tanks so if you buy din, you will have to get a adapter.

get the dive shop to show you all the options on a reg. i use the standard 4 hose combination but hubby uses a 2 hose combination-get the dive shop to explain these to you.

geez - alot of info and i know you dont have a dive shop near by at the moment so if you can pick up some magazines and read this forum for some more info plus check out scubatoys, zeagle etc sites.

Buy the best gear you can afford.
Don’t look for the cheapest price.
Educate yourself and buy right the 1st time.
This will avoid the need to re-buy gear.
Fit is paramount. If it don’t fit correctly, it’s of no use to you.
Stick with the name brands, they are all good and will serve you well, when used correctly and properly maintained.
Everyone will have their favorite brand of dive gear, and will offer various reasons why their brand of choice is the best.
Read, read, read and make your own educated choice, you’ll be happier in the end.
oh boy, what a loaded question.

my advice, if possible, dont buy something because its the cheapest - try to spend a bit more now so you dont regret your decision later on.

try before you buy, if a shop says "buy it now and if you dont like it then we can swap it for something else" find another shop. arrange a dive shop to have a few brands to try out in their pool before you hand any money over. go to a local busy dive site and see what others are wearing. hell, approach a few divers in the carpark and ask them-we're a friendly lot!. keep in mind that a dive shop is going to support their brands the most so if they rubbish a particular brand - check it out here and you will get alot of honest responses.

my prefered choice is zeagle bcd and sherwood regulator and ive traveled the world with them.

my BCD is a Zeagle Tech and i LOVE IT! (hubby's version of a sexy birthday present). It is weight intergrated, meaning i dont have to wear a weight belt as the weights are in a weight pouch and they sit inside 2 bcd weight pockets. So much more comfortable! its also rear inflated - so i dont get a chest squeeze plus, it just looks fantastic!!!

my old sherwood reg is 5 years old and still going great, hubby just got me a new reg and its also sherwood and im very happy with the product.

my current computer is a sherwood wisdom (christmas present) but hubby dives with a aladin air-z (he just upgraded from a air-x).

when looking at a bcd, keep in mind most manufactures make "women" bcd now so they are worth looking at also (zeagle zena and scubapro ladyhawk are 2 brands i can think of).

when buying your reg, you might be asked do you what a yoke or din valve, keep in mind that most resorts in the Pacific (fiji) use yoke valves on their tanks so if you buy din, you will have to get a adapter.

get the dive shop to show you all the options on a reg. i use the standard 4 hose combination but hubby uses a 2 hose combination-get the dive shop to explain these to you.

geez - alot of info and i know you dont have a dive shop near by at the moment so if you can pick up some magazines and read this forum for some more info plus check out scubatoys, zeagle etc sites.


WOW!!!! that is alot of info. My best bet is when I go home in a few weeks I will have to check out the shops and take a pen and paper and get back to you all for advice!

alot of this stuff is like reading latin....When I read about someones computer I am thinking of a laptop, I know that can't be what it is....Is it?

I really appreciate all the advise that everyone has been throwing my way!!!!!!!

Thanks and I will keep you all posted!!!

A computer can look like a large watch, or something like this, some look more like hockey pucks, or some semi streamlined plastic boxes. They calculate your decompression obligations on the fly, so you don't need to use tables for anything other than planning.

hope that helps
I think a lot of people go at buying equipment a little back asswards. Rather than starting with what equipment you’re going to buy, it helps to start with what your budget is and work back from there. If you establish a realistic figure for your dive equipment budget for today and also look at how much you’re willing to spend over the next year, you might find that helps narrow down some of your choices and will help any dive shop you’re working with understand your needs.

For example, I know some people who don’t care what kind of BCD they dive in and are happy with any old rental unit, and others need their own BCD first because they require a custom fit. If you don’t need a custom BCD right away you might want to allocate more of your budget up front to a better computer, and wait until you’ve tried more BCDs to find the one you really like on your next buying trip.
Having a budget is important. Spend what it takes to get the best fit and comfort especially on personal items like mask and fins.
Make sure you are able to try out everything you are looking to buy, it might look cool wearing in the shop, but if it doesn't fit you won't wear/use it.

Remember that accessories are great suggestions for for gifts.

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