Oh crap. I did my OW through YMCA? What ridiculous analogy will you come up with for them? YMCA multi-engine rating?
I have no problem with your certification, your instructor, or his/her agency. What I have a problem with is if people get the McDonalds version of dive education and then have to defend this philosophy because they are to proud to admit that they wasted their money/time.
I know exactly how much the realization of being short-changed hurts. I have sunk twice as much money into SSI for a fraction of the value compared to what I spent on and got from GUE. What do you want me to do now? Recommend SSI? Or suggest that you get your doubles set up by your dentist?
But would they have you? That elitist attitude makes me think I'd rather pee in my drysuit than endure a day on a boat with such snobbery from fellow divers. Seriously man....
But pounding on your "experience" chest is OK for some reason? Snobbery would be to look down at you for not having shelled out the money for a p-valve. The rest is about the legitimate pursuit of excellence. Which, if I remember correctly, made this country great before nobody was supposed to be hurt in their feelings through constructive criticism.
What you are missing here is that I am in no way knocking what GUE is teaching or their methods, and certainly not any GUE instructor. I think what they do is great. I have no issues at all with GUE.
At least you do not pick battles you are guaranteed to loose.
What I, and many others, often find off-putting is when people like you, with basically little to no experience, save a fundies class under your belt, preach down upon those divers who haven't taken fundies as if you are the Noah of all that is diving, here to save the flock from the great flood of Air2 octo-inflators, poor trim, and ankle weights.
There is the humble, charming, and socially acceptable "experience" chest pounding again.
But do not worry. I am going to switch SB back to 'read only' mode and let everyone else figure it out for themselves. Heck, it's only their time, money, and health at risk - not mine. Just make sure that you profit from endorsing or defending the Air2, ankle weight, and kneeling on the bottom BS because I surely do not profit from talking people out of it. In your analogy I am not Noah, I am just a critter pointing to The Ark that prominently sits on top of the hill.
As far as the original topic of doubles for recreational diving is concerned, why even bother with heavy single tanks? Just shove a couple of Spare Airs in the cavernous pocket of your BC jacket and you will be golden.