So you like it better than the appearance of my blog?
I have stated repeatedly that this is not meant to be absorbed. It is way too much. It is simply a guide to work through to create a dive plan and build confidence.
But ultimately, it is know your gas consumption rate, your swim rate, and create a route to follow based on a map, which expected cylinder pressure at various points.
"Leave the bottom at 700 psi" is stupid. Is 700 psi sufficient min gas for all depths? Not at all. If you oversimplify it because you think students are dumb, you just get them into trouble. I haven't had an issue with students getting basic concepts that unfortunately are missing from most open water courses. There are some amazing instructors who do far more than me and don't overwhelm their students. I have a few open invitations to observe their classes which I will do when I am in their area.