"Has anyone here ever dove alone ? i know its not recommended and probley a stupid thing to do, but i realy wanna get out diving and noone to dive with right now
I don't understand this, in a SOLO DIVER forum saying solo diving is "probably stupid". If this where the DIR forum this would have been removed as a troll.
No, it is not stupid, it is not dangerous, and the divers here are not stupid or dangerous. The dangers of solo diving are way overblown. The dangers are essentially the same as when buddy diving except cut in half. Let's see, people solo climb, solo fly, solo drive, solo sail around the world, solo boat, solo hike and solo everything, why not solo dive. The answer is that of course people solo dive, always have. N

I don't understand this, in a SOLO DIVER forum saying solo diving is "probably stupid". If this where the DIR forum this would have been removed as a troll.
No, it is not stupid, it is not dangerous, and the divers here are not stupid or dangerous. The dangers of solo diving are way overblown. The dangers are essentially the same as when buddy diving except cut in half. Let's see, people solo climb, solo fly, solo drive, solo sail around the world, solo boat, solo hike and solo everything, why not solo dive. The answer is that of course people solo dive, always have. N