I'm still learning my way around this forum, so there's a good chance this post is entirely pointless and unnecessary, but since I don't know exactly how things work yet, and don't want to see this thread disappear before we have a chance to try to figure out what happened and what we can learn from it, I wanted to mention this just in case...
I have no idea how long it will be until I have any more information about what happened, and it may well be several weeks until I know more, or until I even have the chance to talk to anyone who was on the boat with him, since there is still an investigation going on and however unlikely it is that there will be any sort of liability issues we still have to wait until all that is finished to talk to anyone involved... But as soon as I do have more information, and am allowed to talk about it publicly, I intend to come back here and post anything I can that could possibly help explain what happened, and hopefully we can figure out how this happened, and anything that could have been done differently that might have prevented this.
Of course, I hope that people can learn as much as possible from this so diving will be that much safer for them in the future and all of that, but my motives for wanting to figure out what happened aren't entirely altruistic -- it'll help me trying to make sense of all this, and more than that, it might make it easier to convince my mom not to follow through on her threat to chain me up somewhere if I try to go diving again (which will be as soon as my schedule allows -- I love diving, and have no intention of giving it up any more than I'd stop driving if it had been a car accident instead), so just to be clear that when I'm offering to post whatever information I have once I have more information, it's as much for myself as for the larger dive community, and there's no need to think of it as some really generous act or anything like that.
But yeah, basically I just wanted to say that there hopefully will be more information about this, and being unfamiliar with these forums I have no idea if that needed to be said or not, but in case it did, there it is.