Either i had not gotten down that far in the posts (mostl likely);or when i posted both the divers' histories were not here yet. I have not dived the sight (i live in mindanao) but it does not sound like a place for "heavyweights only." And a person about to become a rescue diver should certainly should be able to handle the conditions that are described as being typical there. 13 logged dives ain't a whole lot of experience, but diving in a reasonably easy, "fun dive" oriented locale with someone who is close to being a rescue diver should not result in two fatalities. I think the operative here is two fatalities. It seems pretty obvious that something happened that overwhelmed two divers, one very experience. The gas embolism (AGE) hypothesis sounds the most plausible to me. A rapid ascent from 18 m could, theoetically at least cause a micro embolism. Depending on where such a "bubble" occurred, it couid cause a neurological reaction and result in sudden paralysis or palsy.
Of course, I'm not sure that hypothesis holds a lot a water to explain the negative outcome of two divers...and the more experienced one, seeing a partner shoot for the surface....with a presumably inflated bcd...would probably not have shot for the surface for than a few meters to catch her---because he would know that she might experience an embolism and he would be the only non-embolismed person around to render assistance.
Of course, I'm not sure that hypothesis holds a lot a water to explain the negative outcome of two divers...and the more experienced one, seeing a partner shoot for the surface....with a presumably inflated bcd...would probably not have shot for the surface for than a few meters to catch her---because he would know that she might experience an embolism and he would be the only non-embolismed person around to render assistance.