Diving a wired computer disconnected from the head

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Hi everyone,

Is anyone aware of water-tight caps that can be screwed to the wired 4-pin or 5-pin connection to be able to dive in OC with a wired computer? The cap I am looking for would replace the connector highlighted in the picture and allow to dive the computer in OC without having salt water reach the pins.


Thank you!
Does the computer have an OC mode?
Hmmm...I guess you'd dive it in B/O mode?
Right, it would be dived in B/O mode.
Petrtal 2 EXT Fischer and NERD 2 4 pin have OC mode.
Bummer. I'm surprised they lock that functionality out of it.
B/O should the same as OC or very close to it. All deco calculation should be correct.

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